Tuesday, March 29

The Nanking Massacre

The Nanjing Massacre, also known as "The Rape of Nanking," is a rare example of simultaneous gendercides against women and men. It is generally remembered for the invading forces' barbaric treatment of Chinese women. Many thousands of them were killed after gang rape, and tens of thousands of others brutally injured and traumatized. Meanwhile, approximately a quarter of a million defenseless Chinese men were rounded up as prisoners-of-war and murdered en masse, used for bayonet practice, or burned and buried alive.

I watched this movie show yesterday night ,  I had feeling that was mad ! The Nanking Massacre , I watched a hundreds , thousands , millions time..every moment I feel that the victims were so pitiful ~

I think you guys must see this ..Although I'm Malaysian but Chinese too ...

Show you guy some pic ..
rape to women !
The hero of Nanking , John Rabe

I really very YAWP the Japanese done this to Chinese